My 15 Goals for 2020

I’m always talking to my clients about their goals because without a concrete set of goals it is difficult to drive and sacrifice what is needed to reach financial independence. I also occasionally think that people think that goal setting can be a wasted effort, given either past failures in reaching goals, or the limited value in the results. It’s only fair to share my own goals as a good example — with the added benefit of external accountability.

my 3 areas of development for my life:

  1. Work Hard

  2. Love my friends and family

  3. Have fun and stay fit

Work Hard

For my “Work Hard” category my key objectives are providing my current set of client families with the best service possible and growing the number of families I serve.

  1. With my current client families, I aim to be an even more involved, high touch planner, by having quarterly touch points. The more context I have about a family, the better my advice can be.

  2. My long term objective is helping 100 families reach a level of financial security that allows them to focus on their family values rather than on chasing the almighty $. I currently work with 30 families. I aim to double that number in 2020, to 60 with a revamped marketing plan.

  3. I also believe that Decatur is a great hot bed of small entrepreneurial talent and I want to be a positive influence in that scene. With that in mind, I will continue to hold monthly coffee meet ups for the "Decatur Entrepreneurial Network (DEN)”. If you want to be added to the invite, send me an email.

Love My Family and Friends

My overarching objective is to develop and maintain deep, meaningful relationships based on honesty, openness, investment of time and encouragement.

  1. With my wife, I aim to connect for an hour, just the two of us, outside of the house, twice a week.

  2. With the boys, I want to connect for 30 minutes, individually, three times a week.

  3. With my Dad and sister, I aim to spend a weekend together once every other month.

  4. With our family in different states, we will host cousins week this summer.

  5. We will host Thanksgiving at our house.

  6. Will spend two weeks in Fl with my in-laws.

  7. With our “framily” in the neighborhood, I aim to host “clean out the fridge Friday” or “Sunday supper” twice a month. And link up with my guy crew twice a month.

Have Fun And Stay Fit

For my family, fun is travel. We have scheduled trips to:

  1. New Orleans

  2. Kenya.

Trips that are not only fun, but also give our boys unique insights into the world, and allow Jenn and I unique opportunities to connect and experience the outside world.

Staying fit and healthy keeps me on top of my game in all aspects of my life, especially as I get older. I aim to stay fit (and have fun) by

  1. Working out twice a week at xFit

  2. Playing soccer and/or basketball each week.

There they are, all 15 goals. I don’t want to bore you with all the details. But they are SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. And they are things that you can hold me accountable for over the course of the year- like when you see me at YDFM or at a kid’s sporting event.

I want to help you reach your goals

I have seen great success for families with a shared set of short/mid/long term goals.
Download my free financial goals worksheet It provides a structured outline for your goals with tasks, milestones and accountability. 

Check out the strategies and tactics below for common family goals: